Sunday, May 31, 2009

Death, Nothing-isms and Anti-Col

So today, I stayed at home.

Which is perhaps, less noteworthy than it sounds. And it sounds rather unworthy of note.

So why must I bombard your consciousness with nothing-isms?
Merely so I can say 'nothing-isms'.

Anyway, on to worldly concerns. I have been hearing of this swine flu. Which invariably does not transmit between swine and humans. Unfortunately, no one told Egypt.

Also, it seems that the media attention regarding swine flu - I shall refer to it as 'H1N1' from now on - is continued for the most merely to save face. After the uproar of finding it caused a few deaths in Mexico, where hygene and medical resources are (from all reports) rather pitiful. Then the infant who died in Texas. Which is all very tragic, the poor defenseless babe against big bad virus, but can we please put this in perspective?

Heres some fast facts: the regular influenza virus mutates every year, which is why that flu shot you got the other year wont stop you from curling up in bed with a box of tissues and anti-col (its the 'd' that gets you) this year. Also, while we are worked up about our mortality, around 36000 deaths in the US are attributed to this regular flu. Oh yeah, and my source for that(CNN), has this estimate of 250000-500000 annual deaths worldwide due to the same cause.

So, what I am trying to say, dear people, is that if you want to panic about the flu, have you gotten your shot this year? Because if not, it's going to get you. Wear those masks, every day. Even if you don't go on public transport. Even if you don't leave your house. Don't touch your family, your friends. They are going to cause your death.

Seriously though, chill out. I go on public transport every time I go to university. I don't actually own a car. If I die of the flu, go nuts. Until then, take a step back, be at least a little bit discerning regarding the media.


Saturday, May 30, 2009


So, I signed myself up to yet another blogging website.

I suppose this is the point at which I should introduce myself... or something.

A list of arbitrary details as follows:
Name: Emily
Brisbane, Australia
Student (Arts)
Vague interests:
Writing, literature, theatre, art, Pokemon.
Distinguishing features:
Dances whilst in conversation, bargains for cars with chupachups.
Aspirations: To be one of those starving writers, but not starving.

I suppose I created this in an attempt to cultivate my brain - because yes, my brain is similar to a field of corn. Or wheat.

But as I was saying, the main idea is to write and to think.